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  [문서자료]  Who can we judge? Part One - Eph 2:1-3
 글쓴이 : njsmyrna
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   Who_Can_We_Judget_-_Part_One_-_16.12.2012.docx (38.0K) [26] DATE : 2013-05-29 08:53:57

Who can we judge? Eph 2:1-3

• Up until the 16th century, homosexuality was punishable by death
• It was treated as a mental disease and a horrendous sin for so long
• These days though, socially and scientifically (psychologically), since the 1970's, homosexuality was not deemed to be a mental disease. Current cultural consensus and momentum is towards complete acceptance.
Church history
• The church has widely condemned and banned homosexuals and did not treat them with grace or mercy.
Based on these bible texts:
1. Romans 1:26-27 (Verse 32 says "punishable by death")
2. Genesis - Sodom and Gomorrah- the homosexuals ask for the angels to have relations with them. God punishes Sodom and Gomorrah.
3. Judges - Levites were going to Jerusalem, homosexuals come and ask for the men.
In this way, when the bible is describing sin and its judgment, you see "homosexuality" being used a lot.
You see the bible explicitly forbidding it in the law - Leviticus - 18:22
Yes, homosexuality is sin
So it’s clear, that it is sin. Dreadful sin….. Because all sin is dreadful. A sin that God hates.
What is the intent for sex? Procreation and a sanctity and blessing within marriage.
Everything that goes against God's intent in creation, is sin and homosexuality is that.
o Natural (God's intent)  vs Unnatural (seeking pleasure, that is contrast to God's intent)
The Fall
God created man in His image. Man must obey and submit to Him and live according to His purpose and intent. But man could not overcome the prideful temptations of the devil and rebelled against God. With that rebellion/fall/corruption came death - so we became beings that was sin. It's not that we commit sin - we ARE sin. Our existence itself is sin, because we wanted to be God, an evil, self-seeking God. If God was to leave us alone after that fall/corruption, we have no choice but to be just dead in sin, gravitating towards sin like moths to flames.
Fruits of our sinful nature
The fruits of sin that we bear, when we are not touched by the grace of God, is outlined in Romans 1:26-32
<Read Romans 1:26-32> - Fruits of our sinful nature.
So there is no doubt that homosexuality is a dreadful fruit of sin
<Read 1Cor6:9-10>
You can see here, again, it's sin punishable by death.
So are…
 "Idolators, adulterers, thieves, the greedy, the drunkards, slanderers, swindlers"
This verse is treating the "slanderers" as equal to "homosexuals". In other words, all sin is the same. All these are the results of our sinful existence. We are sin, and these are all the different ways the sin manifests in our lives.
Hate the sin, not the sinner
We as Christians must hate sin, just like God hates sin. But we must not hate the sinner….
So what should our approach be in dealing with sinners?
1. When looking at sinners, we must look at it from God's perspective (eyes)
Phillip Yancey - "What's so amazing about grace?". Story about Mel Whites.
• Phillip Yancey's reaction when he first heard
• Famous Christian writer
• Tried to get rid of it - through aversion therapy
• Tried to even commit suicide a couple of times
• Parent's response in interview - "still our pride and joy"
The parent's heart is God's heart.
Homosexuality is sin, but the bible says that not just homosexuals, but all mankind are sinners.
Romans 3:23 says - "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".
We are all sinners, and yet God considers those He has chosen as His "Pride and Joy"
<READ Zephaniah 3:17>
This is the heart of God… To who is this heart of God for? Is it only those who are perfect?
No, Of course not!
Vs 17 "… I will no longer rebuke you"… means there is something to rebuke us for but He will choose not to.
Jesus loved prostitutes, tax collectors and adulterers. How was he able to do that? He saw through the sin and saw the image of God inside, the true selves of each person. Jesus saw through the dirt and scum of the outside, and saw the chains of sin that made the body a slave to the sin, and all he wanted to do was free the real being from that sin.
We need eyes to see that the amazing grace that has saved a wretch like me, can come upon
any other sinner at any time!
We were and are still sinners, yet He continues to shower us with His grace and salvation.
Like this, we need to be able to see sinners like Jesus sees sinners...
2. When seeing sinners, we must always remember that I'm a sinner too
No, like Apostle Paul, we must know that we are the chiefest of sinners. Even those who seem like they would be different, someone you look up to, they are nothing but sinners.
Paul Washer example
This is why it's best not to meet your heroes - because you'll be disappointed. All humans are the same.
Jesus says in the Sermon on the mount that hatred in the heart is the same as murder etc etc…. Sin is a state, we all have capabilities and desires to murder, rape and so on.
Of course it's different in the earthly society, the sins that you can see can be punished, but the sins you cannot see you can't punish. But God sees all - and we are accountable in His court as His people.
<Read Romans 1:32> - We read this passage before… See in vs 32 that it says these sins are punishable by death - it's ALL THE DEATH PENALTY.
For what? Sins like slandering, gossiping. Because the root of where that sin comes from is the same as murder, same as rape.
Slandering = death penalty
<Draw diagram>
<Romans 6:23> - "the wages of sin is death"
When you are looking at sin, if you have committed the same sin, you do not judge and you cannot criticise. If you've committed adultery, you do not pass judgment on another who has also committed adultery - it's just natural.
So when you are judging someone, it means you are not seeing the sin that you have - when we're absolutely all the same sinners. The bible say's we're all the same sinners and yet if you are judging others it means you are hiding the sin that you have, whether consciously or unconsciously.
That's why judging is an act of hypocrisy, an act of hiding away the sin, so the bible says this is the MOST wicked of all sins.
We must see the truth that we are the chiefest of all sinners, like Paul did.
o Philip Yancey interview "How can you stay friends with such a sinner as him?"… I ask back "How can he stay friends with such a sinner as I?"
3. When we look at sinners we must view them with sympathy
We must recognise and see the helplessness of their sin….
and the fact that every sinner is already suffering.
<Read Romans 2:9> For Jew  and Gentile means "EVERYONE"
<Read Jeremiah 2:19> "how bitter…"
How do you feel when you hate someone? Are you joyful? Sinning is unhappiness.
o Alcohol, Sex, gambling…. The aftertaste is terrible
This is the very nature of sin!!!!
We are not saved because we are not sinners. In fact, it's the exact opposites, Jesus came to save ONLY the sinners.
The heart and purpose of God is to make His people see the truth of our sin.
Why? Because only then we will seek God. He's looking for His children, not His clients or customers. He's not after transactions, He's after LOVE!! He's not after a report card, He's after praise and worship!


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